
SemiFit – EBI/EIE is partner!

SemiFit – EBI/EIE is partner!

The EBI is partner in the Youth Project Seminar for intercultural trainers in HRE.  The EBI/EIE is mainly focusing on the 50+ generation in Adult Education. Participating in this project we have the chance to educate our younger trainers to work with international youth groups and younger adults. Two of our trainers, Stefanie Mayrwöger and Kathrin Zehrfuchs, will be in charche to cover this target group.

SemiFit in HRE is an example of Peer and Lifelong Learning where educational practitioners have the chance to share their competencies and experiences and learn new concepts from peers. In SemiFit, every participant is actively involved in the preparation and design of the learning space: content and flow. The project is linked to key European youth policy developments where non-formal educational youth work needs to be better connect.
Additional the project also brings in its expertise: upcoming European Youth convention III in 2020, COE rec on Youth work, European Training Strategy for YW, the development of a European Charta on Youth work, the further development of the European Youth Strategy, but also reference cooperations such as “becoming a part of Europe”, “Youth for Human Rights” all indicate youth issues become more political. Such there is a need to foster strategically the processes of capacity development of EDC/HRE work in the field of youth, as in the recent years barriers in a lot of European countries have become higher.

Stefanie Mayrwöger from the EBI/EIE will participate at the training event organized in Almuñécar, Spain (Málaga area) from 1 to 6 December 2018.